By default
827,470 €
Subject of this sale is a land with overlying industrial plant, located in the municipality of Lanciano (Ch), Marcianese locality. Access to the area is through a driveway entrance, overlooking the consortium road, is served by the road junction that connects the industrial area of ??Lanciano-Centro
1,193,677 €
Subject of this sale is a land, located in the municipality of Lanciano (Ch), Cerratina, is part of a very large plot of land, located between the provincial road Pedemontana Casoli-Fossacesia, on which there is access and road Fondovalle Sangro. It is about 6 km from the A14 Val di Sangro motorway
582,400 €
For sale shed with area of relevance located in Lanciano (Ch), Contrada Serre 77. Property located within the industrial nucleus "Val di Sangro", well connected to the main roads that lead to both the motorway (about 7 km) and to the railway (about 10 km). This is an industrial warehouse, consisting
1 - 3 on 3 properties